
How To Sell Yourself As A REALTOR®

If you’re a real estate agent, you’re probably accustomed to selling things.  You sell condos, lots, single-family homes, mansions, and potentially even the idea of certain neighborhoods. But, are you selling yourself? It is absolutely imperative that you learn to sell yourself as an agent if you’d like to continue to grow your client base and your income. Here are some key things you may not have thought of that are extremely important to selling yourself successfully:

  1. Be Confident  – Confidence is key. No one wants to work with a REALTOR® that walks around with their head hung low. Make sure you know your facts, research the neighborhoods, go to the properties once alone before you show them. If there’s something you don’t know, ask, and make sure you ask before your client asks you.

  2. Be Well-Spoken– Leave slang at the door, unless you’re working with a really good friend.  Someone has hired you to be a professional, and you should act like one. If you aren’t a good public speaker you should invest in training, lessons, or at the very least visit the
    BNI (Business Network International)
    clubs in your area to practice your 60-second “about me” speech, as well as your elevator pitch.

  3. Be Authoritative– You should be an authority on real estate and should know more than others if you expect potential clients to work with you. The easiest way to establish authority is to teach others what you know. This could be via a blog, a monthly newsletter, or even by publishing a book. When you provide valuable information to other clients and colleagues, you’re come off as a valuable resource, and an authority in your field. Another way to be authoritative is to have a good social media presence. You can do this by making sure that your business page is current, constantly updated, and well put together, and that your personal page is kept as clean as possible.

  4. Be Trusted – Establishing trust is absolutely necessary for a client relationship, and is sometimes the breaking point between why someone chooses you over someone else.  The simplest way to establish trust is never to lie to your client, ever, for any reason. People can see right through you when you’re fake. Another way to be trusted is to always do what you say you’re going to do when you’re going to do it. You should always be the one to initiate contact and should not make people chase you.

  5. Be a Great Communicator  – Although “selling yourself” implies that you’ll constantly be talking yourself up, the key to great communication is listening. You’ll want to listen to every single thing your clients or potential clients say, and show them that you’re on their team. By being a team-player who has their best interests at heart, you’ll show that you’re their #1 clear choice for a real estate agent.

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